by Mark Bern, CFA Estimates Rising The range of forecasts for Q2 (quarter 2) GDP growth is huge. The lowest forecast found by the Wall Street Journal Quarterly Forecasting Survey this June was 2.9% and the highest was 4.2%, with the average at 3.58%. But forecasts have moved higher recently because of a shrinking trade deficit and higher than expected consumer spending. As of June 27 th, Macroeconomic Advisors, said to be provide the most detailed forecast on Wall Street, predicted an increase of 5.3%. GDPNow, provided by the Atlanta FED, is predicting 4.5% and the NY FED’s NowCast is calling for only 2.9% growth. Q3 and Q4 forecasts range broadly by the averages were about 3.05% and 2.9%, respectively. These forecasts are likely to be raised as well. But if those older predictions turn out to be close and the more modest rate of 3.6% for Q2 becomes reality the average for the full year will be about 2.94%, which would be the...